Over the Rainbow

(Raiders Trilogy, Book 2)

‘We’re not in Trinity anymore,’ says Leonard Marx, quoting a line from an old Innovian movie. The moon is different; the planes flying overhead are different. Nobody has any idea where they are or if it’s possible to get home.

In this strange new world, people from the highly technical Innovia and the less advanced Classica must co-operate in order to survive. In addition, travel through the inter-dimensional wormhole has given some people unusual and unexpected powers.

Innovia mourns the loss of its superhero, Power Blaster, last seen carrying a nuclear bomb to the upper atmosphere away from the inhabited Bird Island. They don’t believe he could possibly have survived.

Power Blaster has survived, but is close to death and stranded in the new dimension. He is nursed back to health by a Classican woman, Elena. She has no idea who he is, only that she is falling in love with the handsome stranger.

Shanna sets out to discover what happened to Nathan Tate, who didn’t return from his hiking holiday, not knowing her life is about to be turned inside out and upside down.

Meanwhile, Desi Troyes, the man responsible for the catastrophe, is at large on the new world, plotting how he can transfer his plans for world domination to the planet he now finds himself on – Earth.

General information

Pages: 291

Published: 18 July 2018

ISBN: 978-1721812813

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  • Superheroes
  • Being stranded in a different world and learning to adapt
  • Jealousy
  • Missing people/searching for them
  • Unrequited love
  • Relationships between people from different cultures

First page

The ground rushed up towards Elena with alarming speed. This fall was going to kill her. Well, not the fall so much as the landing. She sent out a desperate prayer to whichever of the gods might be listening. I don’t want to die! Not when I’ve come this far!

Elena felt, as much as heard, a strange popping sound; but whatever it was had no effect on the velocity of her fall. She squeezed her eyes shut and braced herself for the end.

Miraculously, she landed on her feet. The gods had decided to spare her, after all. The soles of her feet smarted a little from the impact, but aside from that, there was no pain. She felt strange, however, in a way she couldn’t even try to articulate.

She opened her eyes. Moments before, she’d been in a small boat, the sun beating down on her so fiercely she’d been resigned to dying of sunstroke. Now, she stood in a meadow, cool drizzle on her face. The sky was overcast; mist obscured the tops of distant hills. A few metres in front of her lay what was left of her boat; it would be good for little more than firewood, now. Behind her, she heard running water. The sound reminded her how thirsty she’d been before the strange storm had hit.

Reasons not to read it

  • People from vastly different cultures have to co-operate and learn to live and work together.
  • People from different cultures even start relationships with one another.
  • People are gaining superpowers all over the place.
  • It’s got telepathic wolves in it, a telepathic falcon and a whole bunch of telepathic purple animals from another dimension.
  • Even the bad guys have backstories.
  • People go travelling from one dimension to another to find people they love.
  • It’s got parallel dimensions, wormholes and mentions quantum physics.
  • It ends on another cliff-hanger and the bad guy isn’t in jail yet.

Book club questions

  1. Shanna set out to find out what happened to her colleague Nathan Tate. As she carries out her search, what did you think became of him?
  2. Should Nathan’s mother have told Shanna what she knew?
  3. Passage through the wormhole seems to have granted many of the characters with superpowers. If you found yourself pulled through a wormhole, what superpower do you think you’d get? Is it the same as the one you’d choose given a free choice?
  4. If you could develop a telepathic link with an animal or animals like Wulf does, which animal would it be?
  5. How well do you think the characters from Infinitus manage to blend in with the local people?
  6. How well do you think you’d manage to survive if you were suddenly transported to Innovia or Classica?
  7. In what ways do you think the experience of having to survive in a strange new world changes the characters? In what ways do they grow?
  8. What do you think will happen to the characters after they step through the wormhole back to their own world?
